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Master of Science (Robotic Systems Engineering)                                October, 2018 - November, 2021
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
grade: 2.6/5

Bachelors of Technology {Mechanical Engineering}                                            June, 2012 - May, 2016
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT),  Basara, India

grade: 8.89/10

Pre University Course                                                                                            August, 2010 - April, 2012
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT), Basara, Telangana, India
grade: 9.15/10

Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)                                                                                             May,  2010
C.V.K High school,Bellampalli,Telangana, India
grade percentage: 95.16%
Intern                                                                                                                           01/06/2021 – 30/11/2021
Robert Bosch GmbH, Reutlingen (Germany)
  • Designed and implemented a state of the art data pipeline in the cloud (Microsoft Azure & AWS) for sensor engineering.
Work Student                                                                                                            01/03/2020 – 20/09/2020
Aptiv Services Deutschland GmbH, Wuppertal (Germany)
  • Developed Data Visualization API module for Context Aware Cut in Prediction Project.​
  • Scripting for high level labelling of Aptiv's highway dataset and also labelling of lane changing event candidates in the same dataset.
  • Keypoint labelling of data for Interior Sensing Project.

Student Assistant                                                                                                      15/04/2019 – 25/02/2020
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, Aachen (Germany)

▪ Developing process monitoring framework software with a graphical user interface (GUI) using Qt for data acquisition from blisk milling process with the use of 5G technology.

Student Assistant                                                                                                      15/03/2019 – 25/02/2020
Applications Technology - AppTek GmbH, Aachen (Germany)

▪ Developing "text to transcript" and "num to words" database for indian languages (Telugu, Kannada and Hindi) for building "Speech Recognition and Neural Machine Translation Systems".

Junior Research Fellow                                                                                             05/12/2016 – 14/05/2018
Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur (India)

▪ Developed software framework for estimating dynamic parameters (mass, moment of inertia etc.) of a space robot for achieving hybrid reactionless manipulation and visual servoing for autonomous on-orbit services and also performed various experiments with the space robot on the test bed for validation of simulated results.
▪ Developed a graphical user interface (GUI) for Recursive Dynamics Simulator software for
visualizing and controlling various robotic systems like space robots, legged robots.

Student Intern                                                                                                            14/12/2015 – 15/09/2016
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (India)

▪ Simulation of trajectory generation for quadcopters using matlab and performed various
experiments on the Parrot Bebop Drone for validating the simulated results.
▪Participated in the experiments for plantation monitoring and yield estimation using autonomous quadcopter for "Precision Agriculture".

Student Intern                                                                                                           10/05/2015 – 30/07/2015
Indian Institute of Technology, Patna (India)

▪ Re-designing and modelling of an alligator inspired amphibious robot suitable for swimming in the water and walking on the ground without collision of it's limbs.
▪ Fabricated arduino nano pcb for fitting in the body of the alligator robot and also made waterproof skin for electronics protection.

Student Intern                                                                                                           26/05/2014 – 19/07/2014
Technophilia Systems Pvt.Ltd, Mumbai (India)

▪ Hands on experience with AVR microcontroller programming in Robot-C and in Embedded-C.
▪ Interfacing of different peripherals and I/O devices (acceleration sensor, optical sensor, analog sound sensor etc.) for making home automation systems and hobbyist robots (line follower and mobile operated robots).
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