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RWTH Aachen University:

  • Robotic Systems

  • Advanced Robot Kinematics and Dynamics

  • Computer Vision - I

  • Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering - II

  • Advanced Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning

  • Computer Vision - II

  • Robotic Sensor Systems

  • Simulation of Robotic Systems, Sensors and Environment

  • Multibody Dynamics

  • Industrial Logistics

  • Applied Numerical Optimization Engineering

  • Foundations of Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering

  • Factory Planning

  • Strategic Technology Management

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Engineers

  • Control Engineering

  • Laboratory for Machine Learning



  • Aerial Robotics   ( Coursera )

  • Control of Mobile Robots  ( Coursera )

  • Linear Algebra  ( MIT OpenCourseWare )

  • Machine Learning ( Coursera )

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0 (Udemy)

  • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning ( Deep Mind )

  • Robotics: Perception ( Coursera )

  • Robotics: Mobility ( Coursera )

  • Robotics: Computational Motion Planning ( Coursera )

  • Robotics: Estimation and Learning ( Coursera )

  • AI For Everyone ( Coursera )

  • Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System ( Edx )

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