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Extra academic activities:

1. Voluntary mentorship for two summer Schools "Robotics for Future Industrial Applications " and  "German Engineering, Language and Culture"         at RWTH Aachen in July ,2019.

2. Attended “ National Workshop On Human Centered Robotics-2018” at IIT Jodhpur, India.

3. Participated in ”IIIT-Hyderabad R&D Show Case-2016” at Hyderabad,India

4. Participated in ”Antah Pragnya-2015” technical fest of RGUKT in live demo project segment.

5. Attended ”International Workshop On Autonomous Vehicles and Mobile Robotics-2014” at IIT-Delhi.

6. Attended Robotics workshop ”NVision-2014” which was held at IIT Hyderabad and developed touch screen operated robotic manipulator

7. Attended Robotics workshop ”NVision-2013” which was held at IIT Hyderabad and developed line follower Robot, color follower and keyboard            operated robot.



1. I was awarded “Telangana State Overseas Studies Scholarship-2018 ”.

2. Based on Secondary school performance, secured an admission supported by state government’s Post Metric Scholarship to pursue “6 year                Integrated B.Tech” at RGUKT Basar.

3. Our Team got selected for Indo US Robo League national round which was held at IIT Bombay.

4. I was awarded 1st prize for the robotic project ”SWARM ROBOTS” that I have exhibited in ”Antah Pragnya-2k15”.



▪ Suril Shah, Venugopal Achhe, Subir Kumar Saha, " Improved Recursive Dynamics Simulator (ReDySim) for Multibody Systems", The 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, June 24 – 28, 2018, Lisboa, Portugal.

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